Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

Today we get another story of how God’s ways are not our ways. We expect scarcity, God provides abundance. And on this Sunday that we celebrate Canadian Lutheran World Relief that’s an important learning. So many people in this world live in scarcity. But God, and CLWR, need us to recognize our abundance, and then share it abundantly. It’s how we follow Jesus today in our world so easily turned inward. Let all with ears hear!

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

What’s your favourite part of a wedding service? Maybe for some of us it’s hearing that familiar love passage from 1 Corinthians that’s such a popular choice for a reading. It’s touching, poetic, and as comforting as a mug of your favourite hot beverage on a snowy day. That is until we think a little more deeply about what Paul is actually saying in those words. And then it might just make you feel like throwing the reader off a cliff! Or at least listening with a different set of ears.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Third Sunday After Epiphany

What draws you in most about a speech or a sermon? Inspiring words? A great delivery? Emotional impact? All those might have been a part of Jesus’s very first sermon that we hear about today. But what really grabbed his audience, and not in the best way, was the way he lived out the words he preached. Just as we are called to live them out too. So listen in and listen up!

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Who doesn’t love a wedding party. Even Jesus does, as our gospel tells us today. So much that he keeps it going when it’s in danger of dying out. But some parties are about more than just having a good time. And a Jesus party has good news that keeps flowing even after the last guest has left. And we’re all invited today!

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Baptism of Our Lord

This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord. Which means it’s that wonderful Sunday again where we get to affirm our baptisms and make a trip up to the font to be splashed with God’s water of grace. And amidst all that celebrating we’ll hear perhaps the strangest version of Jesus’ baptism we have, from the gospel of Luke. Never a dull moment in the vineyard of the Lord!

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Second Sunday of Christmas – Epiphany of Our Lord

It’s the Twelfth Day of Christmas, the Second Sunday of Christmas, and the Eve of the Feast of Epiphany, or in some cultures, “Three Kings Day”. So many numbers! But lots to celebrate. And so we finally give the magi their due as we read the story of their visit to the Christ-child, and their uncomfortably close encounter with the bad guy of Christmas, King Herod. 

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

First Sunday of Christmas – Favourite Carols

Continuing on our theme of celebrating the miracle of Christmas with music we worship today with our Service of Favourite Christmas Carols by request. So what is it that makes a Christmas Carol a favourite? The melody for sure. Perhaps a memory associated with the carol. Maybe the unique way the lyrics proclaim the Christmas Gospel. Whatever it is, we bask in the joy of these seasonal treasures today and continue to marvel of the grace of God made flesh.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Fourth Sunday in Advent

Today is our Service of Special Music for Advent, an opportunity to enjoy the musical gifts of our members.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Christmas Services 2024

Please join us for any of our upcoming services during the Christmas season. Good Shepherd is a family-friendly, inclusive, and diverse congregation rooted in the love of God made flesh through the birth of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to celebrate with us this good news of great joy. 欢迎您的加入

  • December 22 – Fourth Sunday in Advent Service at 10:30 am
  • December 24 – Family Christmas Eve Service, our less-formal worship service with lots of carol singing and a candle-lit portion, taking place at 4 pm
  • December 24 – Candle-Light Service, our more traditional service with singing, a candle-lit portion, and Holy Communion, taking place at 10 pm
  • December 25 – Christmas Day Service with Holy Communion at 11 am

Third Sunday in Advent

There will be no service at Good Shepherd Today. Please remember that the service will take place at St. Laurence, and will begin at 10:00 am.

This week we gather with our friends from St. Laurence Anglican Church for a joint service and Sunday School Christmas pageant. You can view the service by going to their YouTube page at “St Laurence Coquitlam”. We hope you’ll join us for this always festive, joyful, and inspiring time of worship.