With spring arriving this week our lectionary gives us the story of a gardener. A gardener whose belief in a hapless and hopeless fig tree defies common sense. How often do we feel like a fruitless fig tree that has had more than enough chances to bloom? Or been made to feel that way by […]
Welcome to our Church Community
We currently worship in-person and livestream our services on Sunday at 10:30 am. Please consult our “Worship” page for our current protocols and further details.
Second Sunday in Lent
We often think of motherly love as warm, comforting, and gentle. But motherly love can be fierce too, as Jesus demonstrates in our gospel today. Especially in the way it refuses to let any obstacle hinder it from loving its children to the end; whether that be the threat of a menacing predator, or the […]
First Sunday in Lent
Lent is a season that conjures up many images and themes. Maybe the battle with temptation being one of the most prominent. In our gospel today Jesus faces three temptations from the devil. But perhaps the most powerful is one that isn’t even explicitly named but which lurks in the background for Jesus and for […]
We’re glad you dropped by our website. Good Shepherd is a community of Christians who believe God loves each and every human being completely without condition and wants them to know that love as a reality in their lives. We gather every Sunday and throughout the week to experience the joy and mystery of God’s presence with us, to nourish our faith, to have fun together, and to give ourselves away in service to others.
You can access videos of our weekly services by visiting our Worship Videos page. We hope you enjoy your virtual visit with us. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. May God’s love and the Peace of Christ be with you today and always!