Fifth Sunday in the Season of Creation

This Sunday we take our cue from Saint Francis of Assisi and bless the animals of our lives and our world. But what does it mean to bless animals? It certainly means more than praying a blessing over them once a year. It means paying attention. Which, as it turns out, is harder than it sounds. So we look for hope in the bracing but beautiful words of Jesus today.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Fourth Sunday in the Season of Creation

Reduce, reuse, recycle… pray? James tells us today that, “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” But is it powerful and effective against climate change? It might depend a little bit on what you’re praying for. We’ll explore what Jesus might have to say about that today.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Third Sunday in the Season of Creation

“Be reasonable!” If you have kids, you probably heard that retort a few times. And while it isn’t recorded, that may have been the disciples’ reply to Jesus’ words in our gospel this morning. But Jesus completely ignores them. For the sake of the kingdom of God. Today we explore why. And how our response to the climate crisis as Christians may depend on listening to Jesus.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Second Sunday in the Season of Creation

Caring for creation can feel like bearing across sometimes. Our climate is in crisis on so many levels and there are no easy answers. But failing to care is even worse. In fact, as James tells us today it’s blasphemy! On this second Sunday in the Season of Creation we explore how bearing the cross of creation care can give birth to a hope that can make all the difference.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Rally Sunday – The First Sunday in the Season of Creation

*Unfortunately there will be no live-stream available for today’s service*

Today is Rally Sunday, when we gather back after summer holidays and kickoff our new program year. It’s also the first Sunday in the Season of Creation. So to celebrate we have a special Sunday planned. We will gather outside in our yard to worship at the usual time. After worship we will gather inside for pie and ice cream. We’ll have some table games set out for those who wish to engage that way. Otherwise we’ll enjoy some great fellowship and catching up.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Labour Day weekend is informally thought of as the last weekend of summer. It’s also a day to reflect on our daily work as we head into the fall and its routines. How would you describe your work? Satisfying, meaningful, boring? How about beautiful? Today we enjoy an interview with Mogens Hansen, a member of our congregation who helps us reflect on the beauty of our work.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

We don’t often look to the Bible for recipes or diet advice. But thats what we’re served up today. Together with the question, “What are you feeding your soul?” Maybe that’s a question that hasn’t occurred to you. But we fail to ask it at our own risk. Especially the risk of missing the deepest spiritual nourishment we could know. Come to the (virtual) table today and feast on the bread of life.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

VBS Celebration Windup – The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Who are your heroes? Have you ever thought about yourself as a hero? Does God actually call us to be heroes? Those are questions our kids have been exploring all week at our annual Vacation Bible School. So we will share the conversation, and much of the joy of this year’s VBS at our service on Sunday as we gather for worship with St. Laurence Anglican Church, our friends and collaborators in children’s ministry.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“It’s possible to be so focused on one aspect of the obvious that we miss out on the full reality before us.” So writes Audrey West, a Moravian professor of theology. Maybe that strikes a chord for us in many aspects of our secular life. But in our faith life? How do we so easily miss the full reality of some of the most familiar touchstones of our discipleship?

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Have you ever done a good thing for the wrong reason? Sometimes that can actually work out. But when it comes to following Jesus it’s always a bad idea. Turns out following is not quite the same as being a disciple. So thank God we have a patient teacher in Jesus. And on this weekend of Vancouver Pride that teaching can be an important one for the church.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.