Bible Study

We offer several opportunities for adults to explore their faith and Christian commitment in engaging and enriching ways.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sundays at 9:30 am

Every Sunday morning at 9:15 am we get together for a lively and wide-ranging discussion. Our focus is usually on one of the Biblical texts that we will be reading in worship that morning, although you can never tell where the discussion will go! We often end up exploring stimulating and sometimes controversial questions and exchanging differing points of view. But we always maintain a commitment to respectful dialogue and mutual encouragement. From time to time we also choose a book to form the focus of our discussion. Pastor Eric is the leader of this study group (barely!)

This study currently meets in a hybrid format with the option to attend in-person at the church or online through the link above.

Midweek Bible Study

1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10:30 am

Every other Wednesday morning at 10:30 am we gather to study, laugh, and eat together. The main part of our time is focused on discussion of a particular Biblical book or faith topic, led by Pastor Eric. Afterwards we “do lunch” together either at the church or at a local restaurant. We also organize a Christmas banquet for the senior members of our congregation.

Short Term Education Offering

Our Education Team here at Good Shepherd usually also offers a variety of short courses of study or one-day seminars throughout the year. For example we offered an 8 week course on the religions of the world, taught by Sid Bentley, a well-known local expert in the field. The Education Team also offers occasional workshops and presentations. In the past we have offered a presentation on schizophrenia and mental health, and seek to provide other such opportunities to explore important life issues and interests.