Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Stewardship may not be our favourite sermon topic.  But it turns out Jesus spoke about our relationship with money more than almost any other topic in this preaching. Apparently he thought it mattered a lot. Which becomes clear in our gospel story today, often called “The Widow’s Mite”. A story about money that actually proclaims good news. 

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Love. Such a simple word. And one we probably all think we know the meaning of. Until we think about it in the context of a difficult issue of our time. Or in the context an ancient Biblical story that deals with the very same issue. Such is the story of the book of Ruth. And such is the challenge in the sermon by our guest video preacher today.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

All Saints Sunday – The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

What do All Saints Sunday and summer camp have in common? They can both make us homesick. The difference is that on this Sunday we have more than just an inexperienced camp counsellor to comfort us. It’s more like we have the owner of the whole camp to welcome us into the best cabin with all the perks. And all those others waiting to greet us who we can miss so badly. Join us today for a trip to the tomb of Lazarus.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Reformation Sunday – The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reformation Sunday is kind of unique to us as Lutherans. Unfortunately, too often its becomes an occasion for chest-thumping pridefulness. Ironic then that Luther worked to free us from exactly such attitudes. And point us back to our baptism, the source of our freedom to be reformers in every age. What a perfect Sunday then to celebrate Confirmation with three young disciples of our congregation. Join us and celebrate!

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Praise Appeal Sunday

Glory. Ambition. Lust for power. One might think that for all their faults the disciples could at least see these ways of living as contrary to the way of Jesus. Nope. At least not James and John. Or maybe there’s something else going on in their hearts. Something much more compelling. Something that lurks in our hearts and spirits so often too. Join us on the road to Jerusalem with the disciples for another lesson in following.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Thanksgiving Sunday 2024

It’s Thanksgiving. So what better topic to bring up than worry. Of course worry can make giving thanks difficult. And so eliminating worry can go along way to securing our peace of mind. And what’s more important than our peace of mind. Well, Jesus has a suggestion. Today we listen in on a surprising moment in the Sermon on the Mount.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Fifth Sunday in the Season of Creation

This Sunday we take our cue from Saint Francis of Assisi and bless the animals of our lives and our world. But what does it mean to bless animals? It certainly means more than praying a blessing over them once a year. It means paying attention. Which, as it turns out, is harder than it sounds. So we look for hope in the bracing but beautiful words of Jesus today.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Fourth Sunday in the Season of Creation

Reduce, reuse, recycle… pray? James tells us today that, “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” But is it powerful and effective against climate change? It might depend a little bit on what you’re praying for. We’ll explore what Jesus might have to say about that today.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Third Sunday in the Season of Creation

“Be reasonable!” If you have kids, you probably heard that retort a few times. And while it isn’t recorded, that may have been the disciples’ reply to Jesus’ words in our gospel this morning. But Jesus completely ignores them. For the sake of the kingdom of God. Today we explore why. And how our response to the climate crisis as Christians may depend on listening to Jesus.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.

Second Sunday in the Season of Creation

Caring for creation can feel like bearing across sometimes. Our climate is in crisis on so many levels and there are no easy answers. But failing to care is even worse. In fact, as James tells us today it’s blasphemy! On this second Sunday in the Season of Creation we explore how bearing the cross of creation care can give birth to a hope that can make all the difference.

Today’s worship service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am. Join us live, or watch the video here at a later time.

The bulletin for the service can be downloaded here.