As I was enjoying breakfast on my deck this morning I looked up and saw this lovely cloud formation overhead. It was only there for a moment and within 5 minutes had drifted away. To me it looked like a feather and my mind instantly went to recollecting that today is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. Maybe it was the Creator’s way of reminding me that the Creator will never forget all the children of this earth. And neither should I.
Read the story of our Good Shepherd Prayer Group. Just click on the image above and then download the document. It’s been quite a journey, and it keeps on going. It’s also a journey that’s open to new pilgrims all the time. Might it be calling you to come along for the ride?
Steve Bell is a Canadian Christian musician whose music many of us at Good Shepherd love. Well, more than just his music really. We love his story-telling and his engaging way of sharing his theological insights and Christian witness. And now he’s a powerful advocate for global vaccine equity. Check out his recent blog and consider making a donation to the “Love Your Neighbour” project that he talks about here:
It’s amazing what the experience of Easter can inspire in people. Here is an artwork that Cara Wills was inspired to create. And many thank to Cara for her willingness to share it. What else has the good news of Easter inspired in your life?
As I pulled into the parking lot at the church on Easter Sunday morning I was greeted by this colourful and inspiring message. I have no idea who the artist is but they did a wonderful job. It wasn’t quite the shock of seeing Jesus risen from the dead, but it was still a delightful surprise. This was the second year in a row that I was greeted by this display on easter morning. So to whoever created this…thank you and may you know that your work brought joy to my morning.
We are creating a collage of origami hearts as a gesture of gratitude to our community healthcare workers. And you are invited to help us.
We’ve created packages containing origami paper and instructions for folding. It’s quite easy and you are invited to make as many as you’d like. They will be available to be picked up by the back office door of the church all week.
We’ve created an instructional video, which you can watch below. If you can’t come pick a package up but would like one delivered just let Sherry know at the office and we will deliver one to you.
Plus we are organizing an online crafter party on Wednesday evening. I will send the link tomorrow. It will be at 7 pm and go for an hour. Everyone is invited to join us.
And when you’ve done your folding just deliver the hearts to the church, either at the office or through the mail slot in the front door of the church. We will need them by next Sunday, April 11.
Back on Ash Wednesday we planted seeds and looked forward to seeing new growth. Here are a couple pictures of that growth that were sent in. As we journey closer to the cross this week we hear those words of Jesus, “…unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remans just a single grain; but if it dies it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24) Where is new life springing up for you this year? Whee are you longing for new life to appear?
As we continue our journey through Lent we already begin to see the signs of new life emerging from the ashes, or rather soil, of our Ash Wednesday lament. But those shoots are still so tender and vulnerable. So can we die to our natural impatience and seek to learn the patient ways of caring for others and this fragile, vulnerable creation?